It is vitally important that your business is properly prepared to manage any natural disaster or human crisis that results in a major disruption to your business. If you store your digit data and information backups securely offsite in our purpose built facility, we become a part of your Business Recovery Plan.

If you are like most companies, you probably backup your data on a portable external storage device on a regular basis. If this backup device remains onsite you are not protecting your business against the total loss of information in the event of a disaster. To ensure your information is always safe it is important to maintain an offsite copy that is securely stored, preserved and immediately accessible in the case of an emergency.

Our off-site digital data storage and management service includes a backup rotation service that can be arranged to your specific requirements. On your direction, we will rotate your series of backups between your office and the records centre on a scheduled basis. This will ensure you maintain a copy of your most up-to-date information off-site. In the event of a disaster, the most recent backup can be immediately returned to enable you to restore your data without delay. This is a 24 hour 7 day a week emergency service.

In addition to backup data, we store any type of heat sensitive object that requires controlled temperature storage. This includes all forms of digital data and media storage devices. Our media vault is controlled climate with a temperature of approximately 20 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 40%. The construction of the room is non-combustible masonry walls with a concrete floor and ceiling and fitted with a fire rated solid door.

There is strict access control to the media vault by the means of an electronic lock out system. Only senior CTI staff have electronic key cards to enter this restricted storage area. The key cards are individually assigned and tracked to maintain an access log.